Smarter Home / 더 똑똑한 집
American Arts Incubator: Gwangju, South KoreaThe Smarter Home / 더 똑똑한 집 American Arts Incubator Workshop reimagines smart homes of the future. “Home” is an idea we can all relate to—we have all felt at home at some point, whether it is a physical place, a group of people, or a way of being, But what makes someone feel “at home” and what does it mean to belong in a space, community, or city? And what might a future home look like, if we imagine one that is more inclusive? We spent a lot of time talking about the increasing role technology is playing at home and in Korean society. What if smart architecture could create inclusive spaces for open conversation? We set out to prototype the concept of a “smarter home”, trying to bring technology into personal space on our own terms. Breaking into four teams, each selected an issue to address through a room they would create within our larger home structure. We incorporated machine learning, audio processing, and computer vision techniques to track and respond to the presence of people. Together, these works make one installation, comprised of four interconnected smart rooms that each provoke discussion. We offer a vision of a smarter home driven by our critical optimism for the future.
III-iteracy / 커뮤니티 프로젝트명
Nawon Paek, Gae Yang Bang, Taeguen Lim, Inhwa Yeom
Feel - Fill
Chang-hwan Moon, JeongNang Choi, HyeWon Kim
I LOVE YOUt / 커뮤니티 프로젝트명
Ho Jong Jung, Do Won Kim, Yun Jung Kim, JungSuk Noh, So Jeong Yun
How to Understand Your Daughter / 너는 도대체 뭐하고 다니냐
Ki-Tae Park, Minju Do, Yonghyun Lim
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Thank you
AAI Participants (Gae Yang Bang, JeongNang Choi, Minju Do, Ho Jong Jung, Do Won Kim, HyeWon Kim, Yun Jung Kim, Taeguen Lim, Yonghyun Lim, Chang-hwan Moon, JungSuk Noh, Nawon Paek, Ki-Tae Park, Inhwa Yeom, So Jeong Yun), Inhwa Yeom, Jinsil Choi, JinKyung Jeong, Yong Soon, Garrett Wilkerson, Shamsher Virk, Maya Holm, Gwangju Cultural Foundation, US Department of State, ZERO1
Video Assistance: Kyle McDonald, Jongwon O, Inhwa Yeom