24h HOST
* A cocktail party generated by a machine hosted by a human.Created in collaboration with Casper Schipper.
What will be the role of humans in a future AI driven world? As algorithms begin to optimize nearly every interaction and aspect of our lives, the last remaining role for people may be performing the emotional labor to act as human interface to AI. The 24h HOST performance is a small party that lasts for 24 hours, driven by software that automates the event, embodied in human HOST. The AI analyzes the guests present in real-time and delivers directions via earpiece to the host: what to say, what to serve, who to introduce to whom. Every 5 minutes, one guest departs and a new one arrives. Over the course of 24 hours, the HOST becomes increasingly depleted, but the software system drives her to continue, as the guests endlessly cycle through…

How kind of you, but I think I have everything under control – ADJACENT
Prop design in collaboration with and fabrication by Lela Barclay de Tolly. Second performance at Digilogue Space, Zorlu PSM, Istanbul, performed by Leman S. Darıcıoğlu with Performistanbul.
This project was commission by MU for Dutch Design Week, and was developed as part of the Sundance Institute’s New Frontier Residency Program with the World Building Institute and Pigeon Hole Productions and was supported by Turner Broadcasting and the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation.
Photos by Boudewijn Bollmann.