Performing User
UCLA DMA Fall 2018
Class website, UCLA DMA
NYU ITP Spring 2016
Class website, NYU ITP
UCLA DMA Winter 2011
Class website, UCLA DMA
Course Description
How do the technologies we use on a daily basis choreograph our actions, cause us to perform, and open spaces for improvisation? What are the ways we perform for each other, and how do the internet, mobile phones, and other networked technologies create new performance sites and possibilities?The course will be structured around four performance assignments, requiring students to perform with physical hardware, on the internet, via telepresence, and in collaboration with a crowd. An important part of the course will be learning to critique each other’s work constructively—experiencing with an open mind, and thoughtfully and articulately responding.
The performance activities will be supplemented with study of prior performance art engaging technology, short readings, and technical workshops. The workshops will introduce technical tools the students may choose to incorporate into their work, such as IFTTT, Twitter bots, WebRTC, and Mechanical Turk. However, the focus will be on considering the context, function, and meaning of these technologies and translating this into novel ways of performing with them.
No technical experience is required, though students may incorporate existing skills into their work. A desire to take risks and step outside of one’s comfort zone is necessary.
Reading List
Cohen-Cruz, Jan, ed. Radical Street Performance. New York: Routledge, 1998
Wardrip-Fruin, Noah & Montfort, Nick, ed. The New Media Reader. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2003
Bishop, Claire, ed. Participation: Documents of Contemporary Art. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2006
Critical Art Ensemble, The Electronic Disturbance
Scenarios: Scripts To Perform, ed. Richard Kostelanetz. Brooklyn, NY: Assembling Press, 1980
Jens Hoffmann and Joan Jonas, Art Works: Perform
Michael Huley and Noel Witts, The Twentieth Century Performance Reader
Roselee Goldberg, Performance Art from Futurism to the Present
Student Work
Celynne Ianne Hebron

Elana Sasson
Rachel Tu

Karina Lopez

Gustavo Cordova

Donyi Wu

Gabbie Bautista and Wesley Chou

Hunter Bird

Cindy Chi