Network Media
UCLA DMA Fall 2019
UCLA DMA Fall 2017
UCLA DMA Spring 2017
UCLA DMA Fall 2016
NYU ITP Fall 2014
Course Description
Network Media explores the creative, technical, and critical tools to realize Internet-based projects. The course is focused on gaining a deeper understanding of the Internet as creative platform—where did it come from, how does it work, how do you make things for it, and what do you want to say? Technical workshops on HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and web design support the development of a series of studio projects utilizing a variety of network tools. These projects are framed by seminar-style discussions examining the cultural, social, political, and philosophical implications of the Internet. We’ll consider the roles of race, gender, sexuality, disability, class, and influence within an increasingly networked world, and strategies of response as artists and designers.Media/Discussion List Work
Jingjie Chen, HIDEOUTS

Seenahm Suriyasat, Scrambling
Nancy Wu, Identity, Identify

Nahee Hong, HDPE

Amy Fang, Memorabilia

Rosalind Chang and Briana Tran, Strange Realizations

Hillary Cleary, For The Mood

Charlotte Gautier and Mac Le, Be Nice