Senior Capstone
UCLA DMA Spring 2018
Class website
Course Description
This course provides a capstone experience for the major, culminating in the Senior Exhibition. Students work closely with the professor to focus on a project defined by the their individual skills and professional interests. Each project employs a process of research, conceptual development, prototype development, refinement, and production. Students also engage in critical analyses by reviewing and critiquing othersʼ works.The Senior Capstone class focuses on interactive media, which includes game design, interactive installation, dynamic websites, creative coding, and electronics. Senior Capstone is directed by each studentʼs individual goals, interests and skills.
Student Work
Jingjie Chen, Traces of My Existence

Lilyan Kris, Soft Wear

Matthew Broking, Circuit Breaker

Reggie Lin, Miasmic Recall

Elana Sasson, Parse Poetica

Tabatha Yelos, Parse Poetica
Rosalind Chang, I'm Fine

Chelly Jin, Hypnagogia

Tyler Yin, New Friendly Interface